Garden & Flower Club
2025-2026 CALENDAR
All Monthly meetings are free
and open to the public.
begins at 6:30
January 4, 2025:
Annual Budget Meeting - Treasurer and committee chairs
January 14, 2025: a gardening focus
class at 125 LIVE! 1 – 2 PM
RG&FC Members are welcome
as guests if they register in advance thru Karen Noltee at before January 10th!
Happy plants make happy gardeners! Let’s
find the right plants for the right places in our garden beds! Learn how to explore the various sources
of information available to you, including what is quickly available in our digital age! Bring
your SMART cell phones with you!
January is a great time to be planning on what we will be doing
in our garden beds in the Spring! Bring in a list of plants that you felt disappointed in how they were
this last summer! Think ahead about how much sun is or isn’t in your various garden beds.
How are your houseplants doing?
Presented by Karen Noltee, from the Rochester
Garden & Flower Club
January 14, 2025: Board Meeting. 6:00 pm at the Rochester Public Library, 2nd floor conference room
16, 2025: Monthly Meeting. Four Season Foraging
Presenter Maria Wesserle, owner. Foraging promotes wild harvesting through all the seasons- even winter! Though often
thought of as a barren time of year, the persistent forager can find things to harvest: evergreens, fruit still hanging on
trees and shrubs, hard-fleshed mushrooms. The benefits of foraging year-round are multifold. Learn about medicinal plants,
plants with high nutrients, and where it is safe and legal to forage in the Rochester area.
February 20,
2025: Monthly Meeting. Earl Bye, Birds of the Mississippi
Earl Bye, Professional Wildlife
photographer, Red Wing Wild Photography, presents The Birds of the Mississippi. Earl will have signed copies of his newest
book, Eagles of Red Wing for sale. This just might be the most beautiful presentation RGFC club has ever offered.
March 11, 2025: Board Meeting. 6:00 pm at the Rochester Public Library, 2nd floor
conference room
March 20, 2025: Monthly Meeting. Plan ahead for Seed Saving
Presented by the Co-Founder
of the Rochester Public Library, Seed Library, Heidi Kern. For your beautiful flowers and delicious veggies, Heidi will walk
us through all the steps needed to build your own sustainable, sharable seed library. From the proper time to collect and
long-term storage. It’s Easy!
April 17, 2025: Monthly Meeting. All Americans Selections & the National Garden Bureau
Diane Blazek, the Executive Director of All American Selections and the National Garden Bureau will share
the newest and top performing flowering plants and veggies. Learn how the National Garden Bureau at Columbia College, Chicago,
Illinois is your invaluable, all-around garden resource.,
26, 2025: ROCHESTER GARDEN & FLOWER CLUB - APRIL CRAFT CLASS 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Rochester Public Library Conference
Garden Fandangles, a beaded
sun catcher. Register with Diane Klein, or 605-431-6326. Minimum number of participants is 8, maximum
20. $5 materials fee due at sign up. Members are encouraged to bring a friend. Members and their friends will have the
materials fee waived.
May 13, 2025: Board Meeting. 6:00 pm at the Rochester
Public Library, 2nd floor conference room
14 & 15, 2025: Rochester Flower and Garden Annual Plant Sale
This is the one you just
can’t miss. Club members will have their Minnesota hardy perennials for sale along with veggies and native plants. Cash,
Check or Card. Location to be announced.
June 19, 2025: Monthly
Meeting. Our Backyard Chicken
by Tim and Julie Johnson. No matter if you are growing veggies or beautiful blooms, a backyard chicken is your ideal gardening
companion. Chickens provide organic insect control, and their droppings are high nitrogen fertilizer. Bonus: Homegrown eggs
that are healthier than store bought. Chickens are surprisingly easy to care for and very sociable. Our Backyard Chicken provides
everything you need for the season; small mobile coop, two hens, feed, and bedding for one reasonable price. The chicks go
back to the farm for winter.
JulY 8, 2025: Board Meeting. 6:00 pm
at the Rochester Public Library, 2nd floor conference room
July: Annual Garden Tour
Date to be announced.
July 28 - August
3,2025: County Fair Flower Workshop & Show
August 21, 2025: Annual Summer Garden Party
Date and Location to be announced.
September 9, 2025:
Board Meeting. 6:00 pm at the Rochester Public Library, 2nd floor conference room
September 18, 2025: Monthly Meeting. Daffodils,
pick the ones to thrive in your unique garden
Presented by
Margaret MacNeal. Margaret is a past president of the American Daffodil
Society, current president of the MN Daffodil Society, a frequent presenter at national gardening events, and an author of
many gardening articles in the popular press. While daffodils are her passion, she is an expert in fall planting and
all fall bulbs. The MN Daffodil Society maintains a daffodil garden at the MN Horticulture Society. The garden features hybrids
by MN Daffodil Society members that are so rare that they are not available for retail sale. Ms. McNeal will bring daffodil
bulbs to sell. Proceeds benefit the MN Daffodil Society.
October 16, 2025: Monthly Meeting. Program To be announced
November 11, 2025: Board Meeting. 6:00 pm at
the Rochester Public Library, 2nd floor conference room
November & DECEMBER 2025: Mayowood
Christmas Tour
More information will be available at
November 20, 2025: Monthly
Meeting. Program To be announced
December 18, 2025: Monthly
Meeting. Program To be announced
January 15, 2026: Northern
Lights Daylily Farm & Hybridizing Lilies
Mike Grossmann
and Kathleen Nordstrom of West Concord, Minnesota will present. Mike and Kathleen have been growing and hybridizing lilies
for many years. The farm has produced many spectacular and national award-winning hybrids. Mike focuses on “toothy”
edges and big eyes. Kathleen creates lilies with patterned eyes.
19, 2026: The Minnesota Rose Society, all about Roses 101
by James Bearsley, Northern Rosarian, American Rose Society Master Rosarian and Accredited Rose Judge, growing roses in Maplewood,
Mn. A member of the Minnesota Rose Society, the Lake Superior Rose Society, the Minnesota State Horticultural Society and the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum where he is a Rose Expert. Besides roses, James grows hostas, lilies, daylilies, peonies, native shrubs, wildflowers and
maintains butterfly and hummingbird gardens.
March 19, 2026: Northern Aroids, New and Exotic Houseplants
Jenna Mundahl, owner of Northern Aroids will share tips &
tricks for your houseplants and introduce us to the newest, trendiest, and most exotic houseplant varieties. Jenna will have
some plants to sell. Be prepared, you will want to collect all of them! NorthernAroids on
Facebook or @palmstreetap
Like us on Facebook for the most up to date schedule