Members - See Members Only page for Current and Past Issues of the Trumpet Vine


RG&FC Membership Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month except May, July, Aug and Dec.  Meetings are free and open to the Public 
Time: Location: 
6:00pm Sign-in,meet & greet    
6:30pm Program/Speaker
7:30pm Business meeting
917 15th Ave SE
Rochester, Minnesota

  Cancellations will be announced on, and by e-mail for those members with e-mail.

125 LIVE Gardening Focus Class - Tuesday, February 11, 2025   1-2 PM

RG&FC Members are welcome as guests if they register in advance through Karen Noltee at before Feb. 6th!

Are you struggling with part sun or part shade areas in your garden beds? There's a wealth of beautiful and vibrant plants, which thrive in shadier conditions. Join Jean in this insightful presentation, where she'll introduce you to how to brighten your spaces with a wide variety of plants with flowers or add lush, colorful foliage plants. You'll leave with the knowledge to make your garden bold and beautiful this spring!

Presenter: Jean Meyer, Rochester Garden & Flower Club Member, Horticulture degree, Retired Master Gardener, and Shades of Green Hosta Club member. Jean & Jerry Meyer garden near Pine Island on many acres of Shade to Sun.

February Membership Meeting - Thursday, February 20, 2025

Earl Bye, Professional Wildlife photographer, Red Wing Wild Photography, presents The Birds of the Mississippi. Earl will have signed copies of his newest book, Eagles of Red Wing for sale. This just might be the most beautiful presentation RGFC club has ever offered.